Mercedes Benz World Racing
Genre: Racing, Adventure, Fantasy
World Racing gives you total control over your race. Stay on track, search for shortcuts, or simply free roam--you're in control as you take your Mercedes-Benz on a romp around the world. In one of 110 original cars, you'll take on 120 different tracks in seven expansive landscapes, ranging from Nevada and Japan to the Alps and Mercedes' own Test Center. Defeat your rivals with powerslides, burnouts, and wild stunt driving en route to becoming the world's number one driver.
اللعبه شغاله تمام ومجربه 100 %
نستخدم برنامج ديمون تولز لعمل سطوانه وهميه لعبه او برنامج باور ايزو
ومن ثم نقوم بتسطيب اللعبه
وبعد التسطيب ننسخ الملفات الموضوجوده فى فولدر crack
فى الفولدر اللى سطبنا به اللعبه
ونسطب الديركت اكس
وبكدة هتشتغل اللعبه تمام بعون الله
حجم اللعبه واحد جيجا وده حجم خيالى طبعا
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